Is a spin-off of the Max Planck Institute for Neurological Research in Cologne. After many years of driving research, especially in imaging technologies, founder and CEO Stefan Wecker founded “medres” in 2004. His goal was to strengthen technology transfer from science to business, methodically and technically.
In this process, medres and the Max Planck Institute were supported by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF).
After a successful start with awards, such as the “Cologne Innovation Award” and the “NUK-Business-Concept Award”, the company developed numerous solutions for companies in preclinical research and medical imaging. These two pillars form the core of medres.

medres is modular
Processes are always evolving. Therefore, it is essential to offer applications/solutions that do not restrict our customers in their development.
In concrete terms, this means that our customers may use SAL (“Standalone Animal Lab”) for example to map the entire process from anesthesia induction (“KnockOutBox“), through the interventional part (“SurgicalBoard“), to the recovery phase (“WakeUpBox“). Or they only want to buy one module out of SAL, because that is exactly what will advance their processes. Then they may realize exactly that together with us.
medres is open
We develop our products as open as possible. On the other hand, of course medres protects itself and its products against intellectual property theft as good as possible. In line with this, we plan our systems and their future integration into our customers’ processes with foresight. This applies for example to interfaces with other systems as well as to our communication with our customers and the adaptation of products to their needs.
So if we have missed something in the crystal ball, please do not hesitate to contact us – we will surely find a solution for that.

The company’s core
The sense of our enterprise is reflected in the claim: “from science to business”. We transfer the technologies developed for research and together with scientists in such a way that they may be used in business. The technologies originate from the fields: cell, rodents and humans.
Why do we do this? Research in Germany is largely financed with money from the solidarity community. Therefore, the resulting findings and solutions must be made usable and accessible to as many people as possible.
Our values
Access to technologies immediately raises a very central value: giving something back. But is this aim compatible with economic values? Today, we see examples all over the world where growth trimmed to maximize profits exploits people and nature.
We do not want to be a part of this. That is why we check on the usage of technologies before they are transferred and implemented, and we do this not just on the basis of economic factors. This requires intensive discourse and coordination – which is what we do. Please feel free to contact us if we may improve something, because of course we are all not free from error.

medres is honest
Probably every company will claim this or something similar. Especially from a marketing perspective, this quality seems favourable. However, we implement this claim concretely and sustainably and allow ourselves to be measured against it – for example: our OptoStim® monitor. Our customers may use it for functional studies (fMRI) as well as for patient entertainment. But to put it simple: the field of application of a monitor should not determine its price. Therefore, with OptoStim®, our customers receive a device for all areas of application, but for one price.